Wednesday 30 July 2014

'Priceless' wedding snaps lost after photographer's laptop stolen

 A Vancouver wedding photographer says devastated after her laptop containing thousands of photos taken at two weddings was stolen.

Jourdan Tymkow is now offering $500 to whoever returns the photographs, while one of her clients is also offering a $500 reward for the return of photos of their special day.

"One of the hardest things I've had to do in my whole life is call the bride and tell her she's not getting her wedding photos," Tymkow told CTV Vancouver.

 While the actual laptop containing the photos has little resale value, Tymkow said the photos are "priceless" for the couples affected.

Tymkow discovered her laptop containing approximately two thousand photos from the two recent weddings was missing on Sunday evening.

The 23-year-old photographer said she left her backpack containing her MacBook with the photos in the back of her car while she was shooting an event. When she returned to her car later that night, she found its rear window had been smashed and the backpack was gone.

Newlyweds Caitlin Henderson and Jim Beland said they're happy to offer a reward for the return of their photographs.

"If we got a mysterious email that said: 'Here's all your pictures, we're keeping the laptop' that's fine," Beland said.

Henderson added: "We would be happy to give them a reward. We figure this person obviously needs something."

Another Vancouver-area photographer found himself in a similar situation last September, when his equipment was stolen at Stanley Park during a wedding ceremony.

"They were walking down the aisle and I glanced over and noticed my gear was missing," photographer Martin Gregorian said.

In that case, police eventually made an arrest.

Henderson said she's optimistic that she will soon see her wedding pictures.

"We're not angry, we don't hold any grudges," she said. "We know that we're going to see them again."
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