Sunday 10 August 2014

Who Says Beyonce Isn't A Fashion Icon? Tripled Sales Tell A Different Story

If you’re a small business owner, it turns out the only thing you need to do to triple your sales is to have the world’s biggest superstar post a photo of your product on Instagram.

That’s exactly what happened to Rachel Pfeffer, who owns and designs her own jewelry line, the aptly-named Rachel Pfeffer Designs, when Beyonce (yes, that Beyonce) posted a photo with a necklace resembling one that Pfeffer sells in her online shop on Tuesday.

Vox’s  Kelsey McKinney first reported yesterday that Pfeffer is experiencing a “Beyonce Bump” in sales after a friend tagged her in the photo asking if it was her design.

While the jewelry designer hasn’t been able to confirm with the Beyonce camp that the necklace is actually one of her designs, it doesn’t seem to matter: today, Pfeffer said it appears that “bump” has amounted to a 3x increase in sales from her main website and Etsy shop compared to this time last year and 40x increase in site traffic.

As Vox noted, The New York Times recently published an article detailing why Beyonce isn’t — and doesn’t need to be — a fashion icon. If Pfeffer’s sales are any indication, the nation’s paper of record may need to make a retraction.

Pfeffer said the whole experience has been “wonderful.”

“The best part is all of the nice tweets and messages from friends, fans and customers all over the world, saying how excited they are for me and how they were wearing my honeycombs before Beyonce was,” Pfeffer wrote in an e-mail. “One customer in Australia messaged me on Instagram saying that she wore her honeycomb into a store and the cashier said ‘that’s Beyonce’s necklace!’ So that’s awesome.”
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