Saturday 26 July 2014

Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman Revealed: 'Batman V Superman' Will Sink Or Swim On Wonder Woman

Well folks, we’ve got official pictures of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. And quite frankly, she looks like… well, Wonder Woman. Zack Snyder trust tweeted the image from his Twitter account as a kick-off of sorts to the Warner Bros. (Time Warner TWX +1.17%, Inc.) Comic Con presentation that just started. It’s a little crazy that we’re getting official images of this nature two years out from release, but that is the culture of entertainment news. So feast your eyes on the first official picture of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (That title… gah!). To the extent that this is important, it is arguably because the artistic reception of Zack Snyder’s big team-up movie will largely be dependent on how well Wonder Woman is received.

Dawn of Justice will be a mega-smash no matter how good or bad it is, with $750 million worldwide as the arguable worst-case-scenario. No matter when it opens or whether or not it’s facing Captain America 3, the would-be Dark Knight/Man of Steel/Amazon Princess team-up film will surely be one of the bigger films of 2016. If this were a one-shot deal, then Warner Bros. (a division of Time Warner) could just rest easy. But this Man of Steel sequel is a glorified backdoor pilot to whatever plans Warner has for their DC Comics properties. What should have been a straight Man of Steel sequel turned into a not-quite Justice League film. Man of Steel opened with $128.6 million on its domestic opening weekend, so the audience was clearly there. But the film was a quick-kill blockbuster, earning just $291m domestic and $668m worldwide off a $201.9m worldwide debut last June.

That’s solid to be sure, but it was barely more than the indifferently received Thor: The Dark World ($644m) and has been surpassed by the likes of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and X-Men: Days of Future Past. It made money, but not mega-money and audiences were mixed on the film enough for Warner Bros. to pack the sequel with Batman, Wonder Woman, and the like. Had Man of Steel been more well-liked, we theoretically would have seen a more Superman-centric sequel, at least in terms of how the film is sold to the masses. So yes, audience reception does matter, and it will still matter for Dawn of Justice in terms of how much audiences anticipate Justice League whenever said movie arrives. In terms of how the Batman v Superman film is embraced by audiences (and critics), how it treats Wonder Woman is arguably the most paramount concern.

This is the seventh Superman film and the eighth modern Batman film. Yet Wonder Woman, part of the so-called Holy Trinity, has yet to make a single live-action cinematic appearance. The paucity of representation comes with perhaps an unfair burden.  I’m not going to spend paragraph-upon-paragraph expounding upon the lack of female superheroes in mainstream superhero cinema, but for fans of the character and proponents of more female representation among the capes-and-costumes crowd, this is an event nearly 75 years in the making. Ben Affleck may make a great Bruce Wayne and the big-scale action may crackle. But if Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman isn’t used well or doesn’t come off well, Zack Snyder will be forever known as the guy who screwed up Wonder Woman and that will be the film’s enduring legacy. No pressure…

But if Snyder, Goyer, and Gadot deliver a genuinely iconic version of the then-74-year old character, then whatever other issues the film has will matter that much less. The very inclusion of Wonder Woman has already granted the film oodles of free press in publications otherwise unconcerned with a comic book adventure, and it will continue to do so as we all discuss and debate the ramifications of Wonder Woman finally getting a big-screen appearance 36 years after Christopher Reeve’s Superman made us believe a man could fly and 25 years after Michael Keaton silenced most of the naysayers as Batman. The paucity of representation comes with a perhaps unfair burden. Gadot’s every gesture and every line will be analyzed, both in terms of would-be faithfulness to each viewer’s preferred version of the character and her representation as a feminist icon, which is itself open to interpretation.

The sheer pressure in regards to one major element is possibly not fair to the filmmakers juggling a dozen different balls in the air for one 2-2.5 hour movie. But if Wonder Woman kicks literal and metaphorical butt, preferably passing both the Bechdel Test and the Sexy Lamp Test while being an entertaining and engaging supporting character (think Mark Ruffalo in The Avengers), then that will be the cinematic legacy of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Yes, she is still a supporting character in a film presumably about Last Son of Krypton (Henry Cavill) and the Caped Crusader (Ben Affleck), and that can indeed be a point of contention. But it also stands to reason that a Wonder Woman who wins over audiences and critics will have a larger role to play in the upcoming Justice League movie, just as Ruffalo is alleged to be taking a larger part in Walt Disney's DIS -0.66% The Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Ruffalo’s Bruce Banner BANR +0.91% was the character’s third shot at big-screen glory, following Eric Bana in Hulk and Edward Norton in The Incredible Hulk. The fear is that Wonder Woman will be a “one strike and you’re out” character, with the notion that a poor portrayal or ill-use of the character will both harm the long-term potential of the iconic character as well as increased female representation among the capes-and-tights crowd. For many fans and pundits who have watched Hollywood declare female superheroes to be box office poison after Catwoman and Elektra suffered critical and commercial defeats, the importance of getting Wonder Woman “right” cannot be overstated for the character and for the gender she represents.

Simply put, Zack Snyder, David Goyer, and Gal Gadot have been entrusted with Wonder Woman’s one big shot and cinematic fortune and glory. If they screw that up, it won’t matter how great a Batman Ben Affleck is. But if they give us a Wonder Woman worth celebrating, and I honestly think they are more than capable of it, then that triumph will justifiably overshadow everything else. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will invariably be a big box office hit when it opens May 6th, 2016 or whenever they end up releasing it. We’ll still surely get a Justice League movie sometime before 2019. But I would argue that the artistic legacy of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will be almost exclusively whether or not it does justice to the long-awaited cinematic debut of Wonder Woman. But again, no pressure…
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