Monday 4 August 2014

Schoolgirl sports team captain committed suicide after visiting 'pro-anorexia' websites

A 15-year-old girl, who was in the top sets at school and took her A-levels early, died after visiting pro-anorexia websites and struggling with her desire to be prettier

 A mother whose teenage daughter took her own life discovered she had been visiting pro-anorexia websites and self-harming before her death.

Leigh Holmes said it was only after losing her daughter, Elle, that she realised the 15 year-old had been battling "hidden demons".

The teenager, who was in top sets at school and had taken her A-levels early, had been on "pro ana" websites that critics claim encourage eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia, and in a few days before she died, had been self-harming.

A video filmed a few hours before Elle made the fatal decision, shows her laughing with her brother, Oliver, 13, playfully trying to catch grapes in her mouth, with no sign she was depressed or in crisis.

But the hidden internet history on her computer showed Elle, who grew up in Bootle, Merseyside, was secretly troubled by the pressures of modern life - a desire to be thinner and prettier.

Before her death in May, Elle recorded a song which her mother wants to share to bring hope to other youngsters struggling across the world and raise funds for teens in crisis.

The song, Mirror, Mirror, deals with the problems of body image in young girls.

"Everybody wants to know 'why'. To be honest, I still don't know," Leigh, an international school teacher, said.

"I don't know why my loved, brilliant, popular, talented, funny baby made that decision. She left no note. She said nothing to the little brother she adored. No word to her boyfriend, or her close inner circle of friends.

"There was no long-suffering depression, or slow descent into despair. The spiral into darkness seemed to occur over just a few short hours as her mind became overwhelmed and she simply snapped.

"Nobody who saw her in the weeks and days and hours before her death would have said that this was a child suffering from depression.

"The morning before she died she was revising for her exams before a trip to the school's summer fayre with her friends. In the afternoon, she'd been dancing barefoot in the restaurant she worked in, singing along with the songs and making her customers smile.

The teenager had been captain of the school's swimming, netball and football teams and was in the top set for all her subjects, taking A level and GCSEs years early.

She was also a school ambassador who completed 10 days volunteering in Tanzania, renovating a primary school and teaching children.

Ms Holmes 40, said: "Elle was the kid every kid wanted to be and the one other parents hoped their kid would make friends with.

"She was a dream child: funny, mischievous, caring about her family, committed and openly loving to me, her mum, and her little brother. I have a wonderful video of her filmed a few short hours before she made that fatal decision, laughing with her brother and friends as she tried and failed to catch grapes in her mouth.

Researching Elle's computer history found secret accounts on "pro-ana" websites. She was also purging after eating.

Her mother added: "The trouble with bulimia is the signs aren't as obvious - there is rarely any dramatic weight loss, and even her dentist assumed the change in her teeth was down to over brushing, rather than the damage caused by regurgitated stomach acid.

"Digging deeper, we found that in the few days before she died, Elle had started to take this body dysmorphic disorder to a new level by self-harming.

"She always wore large colourful sweatbands, or the chunky purple bracelet. Either one was a common sight on her wrist, so in those few short days leading up to her death, we all missed it.

"In the last few messages on social media, she shared with a friend that it had frightened her, and agreed she needed to stop."

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