Monday 4 August 2014

YouTube's Aussie master chefs slice and dice their way to the top

When it comes to online cooking shows, Australians have shown they can baste and bake with the best in the world.

On YouTube, where channels dedicated to food and cooking have become the fastest-growing genre, two of the top five channels as measured by the video analytics company OpenSlate are Australian owned and operated.

Last year, YouTube’s top 20 cooking channels generated nearly 370 million views and more than doubled their subscribers. And the leading channel, the UK-based Sorted Food, expects to make $US3.5 million in revenue this year, according to a report in The New York Times.

And while Jamie Oliver's Food Tube channel features among the leading pack, it's the talented amateurs who are leading the way.

Local heroes

Perth-based Rob Nixon, the founder and creator of the channel Nicko's Kitchen, is one of the top two Australian YouTube chefs.

"I think the moment I realised the potential of the online medium was when I got an email from a family in Iraq saying, we're making your lamingtons," he said.

Not only realising its epic capacity for globalisation, Nixon said he grew to love the medium for its powers in communication, leading him to be "the first person in Australia" to quit his job and try a career built solely on making YouTube videos.

"I've long called TV 'paper with noise'. On YouTube the audience isn't just watching, they are very engaged," he said.

"I get people sending pictures and emails every day showing me what they’ve done and wanting me to create recipes."

He said from day one of filming, producing and editing his cooking tutorial videos his ethos has been to encourage people to get back in the kitchen and build confidence.

"Some TV shows make cooking a daunting task. I've stripped that back, simplified it," Nixon said.

Last week's MasterChef grand final proved that Australians are still obsessed with cooking, giving the Ten network its best prime-time ratings in almost three years.

But for Jason Pinder, another Australian YouTube chef from the NSW central coast, shows such as MasterChef aren't overly appealing.

"It's often quite complicated and there is a lot of pressure. I want people to be able to make things that are simple," he said.

Simple is the key ingredient for Pinder on his channel, Simple Cooking Channel.

"I try and stay away from up-market cooking, because I think a lot of people come on YouTube and they likely to be able to replicate what they see," he said.

"Something with just four or five ingredients, they can do that. So that's my market, things that can be replicated."

Giving "how-tos" on everything from bubble gum, to gummy bears to Coca-Cola chicken, Pinder's target demographic is no suprise.

In choosing his recipes he aims to "do things kids can do."

For both Pinder and Nixon, the channel is predominantly a solo operation.

Each films, edits and promotes all their own videos in what is generally a seven-day work week.

"I do four episodes a week, so there is filming during the week and then there's the editing," said Nixon, adding that alongside answering comments and feedback, it's a bigger job than people realise.

Export content, import views

Food blogger Thang Ngo said the popularity around cooking channels on YouTube are a result of the "new wave" in food media.

"When I started it was just about photos and text. Everyone knew video was engaging but it wasn't a good experience until you had faster internet."

He said with the arrival of broadband internet and the mobile web it was no surprise that "how-to" videos and recipes took off.

"It brings a third dimension to the recipe," he said.

Ngo said today's devices make a big difference in breaking down barriers to production.

All the photos and videos on his own blog, Noodlies and his YouTube channel, Noodlies Food Blog are shot on his smartphone.

YouTube cooking heroes like Rob Nixon and Jason Pinder exist in what Nixon calls, "an underground workforce".

"We're seeing social media creating a whole new set of jobs for the future, and a whole new economy," he said.

Like Pinder, Nixon's main audience is in the US.

"Most of what I do is being seen overseas and yet I'm recouping the benefits here at home. I often say, I export content and import views," he said.
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